IPFS Desktop (Mac)

IPFS Desktop (Mac OS Setup)


  1. Download the latest available .dmg file from the IPFS desktop downloads page (opens new window):

    List of available download links in GitHub.
  2. Open the ipfs-desktop.dmg file.

  3. Drag the IPFS icon into the Applications folder:

    Drag-to-install window in MacOS.
  4. Open your Applications folder and open the IPFS desktop application.

  5. You may get a warning saying IPFS Desktop.app can't be opened. Click Show in Finder:

    Application cannot be installed error.
  6. Find IPFS Desktop.app in your Applications folder.

  7. Hold down the control key, click IPFS Desktop.app, and click Open:

    Right click context menu of IPFS Desktop.app.
  8. Click Open in the new window:

    Open confirmation window.
  9. You can now find an IPFS icon in the status bar:

    The IPFS desktop status bar menu in the macOS status bar.

The IPFS desktop application has finished installing. You can now start to add your site.

Last updated