.ART Resolution

The eth.limo gateway supports .art name resolution, allowing users to resolve and retrieve content hash records for .art domain names.

.art Domain Resolution with eth.limo Gateway


Before you begin, ensure the following:

  • Ownership: You must possess or control the .art domain NFT.

  • DNS Integration: DNS integration must be enabled and configured.

  • Content Hash: A valid content hash record must exist for the .art domain.

For detailed instructions or questions, please consult the official documentation.


Setting up your .art domain for LIMO resolution is straightforward:

Step 1: Login to Your Registrar Control Panel

Access the control panel of the registrar where you enabled DNS integration for your .art domain.

Step 2: Identify Your Domain or Subdomain

Select the domain or subdomain you intend to configure.

Step 3: Configure A Records

Add the following A records to your domain(s) or subdomain(s):

Note: A DNS A record can contain multiple IP addresses. Configuration steps may vary between registrars, so refer to your provider’s documentation for specific instructions.

Step 4: Verify Configuration

Ensure your .art domain is correctly configured and that the record updates have propagated through the DNS network. Use the following command to check:

$ dig yourdomain.art +short

For example, checking limo.art should return:

The IP addresses returned should match those specified in Step 3. Once confirmed, your configuration is complete!

Viewing Your dWebsite

Navigate to your domain and watch as your decentralized website content is resolved from your content hash. Repeat the above steps for any additional subdomains you wish to use. Ensure all names have a valid resolver and content hash record. Alternatively, you can use CCIP integrations just like standard .eth domains.

By following these steps, you can easily configure and enjoy your .art domain with the eth.limo gateway, bringing your decentralized website to life. If you have any questions or need further assistance, refer to the official documentation.

Last updated